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Should Your Child Watch Tv News? Surprising Opinions of Top Anchors

Kids And The News

More than ever, children recognize innumerable, sometimes traumatizing,
news events on Tv. It seems that violent crime and bad news is unabating.
Foreign wars, natural disasters, terrorism, murders, incidents of child abuse,
and curative epidemics flood our newscasts daily. Not to mention the grim
wave of new school shootings.

About The Civil War For Kids

All of this intrudes on the innocent world of children. If, as psychologists
say, kids are like sponges and digest all that goes on nearby them,
how profoundly does watching Tv news indeed sway them? How just do
parents need to be in monitoring the flow of news into the home, and how can
they find an approach that works?

Should Your Child Watch Tv News? Surprising Opinions of Top Anchors

Civil War Days: Discover the Past with Exciting Projects, Games, Activities, and Recipes Best

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Civil War Days: Discover the Past with Exciting Projects, Games, Activities, and Recipes Overview

American Kids in History?(TM) Dozens of projects and activities that will take you back to the days of the American Civil War Travel back to 1862 and spend a year with the Wheelers, an African American family in New York City, and the Parkhursts, a white family in Charleston, South Carolina, Eleven-year-old Emily Parkhurst and twelve-year-old Timothy Wheeler are eager to share the fun, adventure, and hard work of their daily lives. Along the way, they'll show you how to play the games they play and make the toys and crafts they make. Make your own apple pandowdy and whip up a batch of tasty gingerbread. Send top-secret messages in Morse code, gather materials for crafting evergreen wreaths and pinecone turkeys,and sculpt a miniature sheep out of homemade clay dough. Play the exciting African game of mankala--that is, if you have time after making your own potato-print wrapping paper, papier-mache bowl, and marzipan decorations. Civil War Days is filled with interesting historical information and facts about growing up in days gone by. Discover how different--and how similar--life was for American kids in history. Watch for Victorian Days, the next exciting book in the American Kids in History?(TM) series! Also available: Pioneer Days, Colonial Days, and Wild West Days For Children Ages 8 to 1 2

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 26, 2012 13:01:02

To retort these questions, we turned to a panel of seasoned anchors, Peter
Jennings, Maria Shriver, Linda Ellerbee, and Jane Pauley--each having faced the
complexities of raising their own vulnerable children in a news-saturated

Picture this: 6:30 p.m. After an exhausting day at the office, Mom is busy
making dinner. She parks her 9-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son in front
of the Tv.

"Play Nintendo until dinner's ready," she instructs the minuscule ones, who,
instead, start flipping channels.

Tom Brokaw on "Nbc News Tonight," announces that an Atlanta gunman
has killed his wife, daughter and son, all three with a hammer, before going on
a shooting rampage that leaves nine dead.

On "World News Tonight," Peter Jennings reports that a jumbo jetliner with
more than 300 passengers crashed in a spinning metal fireball at a Hong Kong

On Cnn, there's a narrative about the earthquake in Turkey, with 2,000
people killed.

On the Discovery channel, there's a timely extra on hurricanes and the
terror they create in children. Hurricane Dennis has already struck, Floyd is

Finally, they see a local news narrative about a roller coaster urgency at a New
Jersey amusement park that kills a mother and her eight-year-old daughter.

Nintendo was never this riveting.

"Dinner's ready!" shouts Mom, unaware that her children may be terrified
by this menacing potpourri of Tv news.

What's wrong with this picture?

"There's a Lot wrong with it, but it's not that indeed fixable," notes Linda
Ellerbee, the originator and host of "Nick News," the award-winning news
program geared for kids ages 8-13, airing on Nickelodeon.

"Watching blood and gore on Tv is Not good for kids and it doesn't do
much to enhance the lives of adults either," says the anchor, who strives to
inform children about world events without terrorizing them. "We're into
stretching kids' brains and there's nothing we wouldn't cover," including
recent programs on euthanasia, the Kosovo crisis, prayer in schools, book-
banning, the death penalty, and Sudan slaves.

But Ellerbee emphasizes the necessity of parental supervision, shielding
children from unfounded fears. "During the Oklahoma City bombing, there
were terrible images of children being hurt and killed," Ellerbee recalls. "Kids
wanted to know if they were safe in their beds. In studies conducted by
Nickelodeon, we found out that kids find the news the most frightening thing
on Tv.

"Whether it's the Gulf War, the Clinton scandal, a downed jetliner, or what
happened in Littleton, you have to reassure your children, over and over again,
that they're going to be Ok--that the presume this story is news is that It
Almost Never Happens. News is the exception...nobody goes on the air
happily and reports how many planes landed safely!

"My job is to put the information into an age-appropriate context and lower
anxieties. Then it's indeed up to the parents to monitor what their kids watch
and discuss it with them"

Yet a new study of the role of media in the lives of children conducted by
the Henry J. Kaiser house Foundation reveals that 95% of the nation's children
ages 8-18 are watching Tv without their parents present.

How does Ellerbee view the typical scenario of the harried mother above?

"Mom's taking a beating here. Where's Dad?" Ellerbee asks.Perhaps at work,
or living separately from Mom, or absent altogether.

"Right. Most Moms and Dads are working as hard as they can because we
live in a community where one earnings just doesn't cut it anymore,"

Nbc News correspondent Maria Shriver, the mother of four--Katherine,
13, Christina, 12, Patrick, 10, and Christopher, 6--agrees with Ellerbee: "But
aren't using the Tv as a babysitter because they're out getting manicures!"
says the 48-year-old anchor.

"Those mothers are struggling to make ends meet and they do it because
they need help. I don't think kids would be watching [as much Tv] if their
parents were home organizing a touch football game.

"When I need the Tv as a babysitter," says Shriver, who leaves detailed Tv-
viewing instructions behind when traveling, "I put on a safe video. I don't mind
that my kids have watched "Pretty Woman" or "My Best Friend's Wedding"
3,000 times. I'd be more fearful if they watched an hour of local news.That
would scare them. They might feel: 'Oh, my God, is somebody going to come
in and shoot me in my bedroom?'"

In a move to supervise her own children more closely since her husband,
Arnold Schwarzenegger, became Governor, Shriver
scaled back her workload as Contributing Anchor to Dateline Nbc and set up
her office at home: "You can never be vigilant adequate with your kids," she
says, "because watching violence on Tv clearly has a huge impact on
children--whether it's Tv news, movies, or cartoons."

This view is shared by the American Academy of Child and juvenile
Psychiatry, which states: ""Tv is a excellent sway in developing value
systems and shaping behavior...studies find that children may become immune
to the bad dream of violence; gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems;
and resort to anti-social and aggressive behavior, imitating the violence they

Although there are no rules about watching Tv in 49% of the nation's
households, Tv-watching at the Schwarzenegger home is almost totally

"We have a blanket rule that my kids do not watch any Tv at all during the
week," she notes, "and having a Tv in their bedrooms has never been an
option. I have adequate trouble getting them to do their homework!" she states
with a laugh. "Plus the half hour of reading they have to do every night.

According to the Kaiser survey, Shriver's household is a glaring irregularity to
the rule. "Many kids have their own Tv's, Vcr's and video games in their
bedroom," the study notes. Moreover, children ages 8-18 indeed spend an
average of three hours and 16 minutes watching Tv daily; only 44 minutes
reading; 31 minutes using the computer; 27 minutes playing video games;
and a mere 13 minutes using the Internet.

"My kids," Shriver explains, "get home at 4 p.m., have a 20-minute break,
then go right into homework or after-school sports. Then, I'm a big believer in
having house evening meal time. Some of my fondest memories are of sitting at the
dinner table and listening to my parents, four brothers, and my grandmother,
Rose. We didn't watch the news.

"After evening meal nowadays, we play a game, then my kids are in bed, reading
their books. There's no time in that day for any Tv, except on weekends, when
they're allowed to watch a Disney video, Sesame Street, Barney, The Brady
Bunch, or Pokemon."

Beyond safe entertainment, Shriver has eliminated entirely the selection of her
children watching news events unfolding live on Tv: "My kids," she notes, "do
not watch any Tv news, other than Nick News," instead providing her children
with Time for Kids, [Teen Newsweek is also available], Highlights, and
newspaper clippings discussed over dinner.

"No field should be off-limits," Shriver concludes, "but you must filter
the news to your kids."

Abc's Peter Jennings, who reigns over "World News Tonight," the nation's
most-watched evening newscast, emphatically disagrees with a censored
approach to news-watching: "I have two kids--Elizabeth is now 24 and
Christopher is 21-- and they were allowed to watch as much Tv news and
information anytime they wanted," says the anchor. A firm believer in
kids understanding the world nearby them, he adapted his bestselling book,
The Century, for children ages 10 and older in The Century for Young People.

No downside to kids watching news? "I don't know of any downside and I've
thought about it many times. I used to worry about my kids' exposure to
violence and overt sex in the movies. Like most parents, I found that although
they were exposed to violence sooner than I would have liked, I don't feel
they've been affected by it. The jury's still out on the sex.

"I have exposed my kids to the violence of the world--to the bestiality of
man--from the very beginning, at age 6 or 7. I didn't try to hide it. I never
worried about putting a curtain between them and reality, because I never felt
my children would be damaged by being exposed to violence If they
understood the context in which it occurred. I would talk to my kids about the
vulnerability of children in wartime--the fact that they are innocent pawns--
and about what we could do as a house to make the world a more peaceful

Jennings firmly believes that coddling children is a mistake: "I've never
talked down to my children, or to children period. I always talk Up to them and
my newscast is accepted for children of any age."

Yet the 65-year-old anchor often gets letters from irate parents: "They'll
say: 'How dare you put that on at 6:30 when my children are watching?' My
answer is: 'Madam, that's not my problem. That's Your problem. It's
absolutely up to the parent to monitor the flow of news into the home."

Part of directing this flow is turning it off altogether at meal-time, says
Jennings, who believes house dinners are sacrosanct. He is appalled that the
Tv is turned on during meals in 58% of the nation's households, this according
to the Kaiser study.

"Watching Tv during evening meal is unforgivable," he exclaims, explaining that
he always insisted that his house wait until he arrived home from anchoring
the news. "You're darn right they waited...even when my kids were tiny, they
never ate until 7:30 or 8 pm. Then we would sit with no music, no Tv. Why
waste such a golden opportunity? Watching Tv at mealtime robs the house of
the essence of the dinner, which is communion and exchange of ideas. I mean,
God, if the evening meal table is anything, it's a place to learn manners and
appreciation for two of the most things in life--food and drink."

Jennings is likewise unequivocal in his view of junk Tv and believes parking
kids at the tube creates dull minds: "I think using Tv as a babysitter is a
terrible idea because the damn television is very narcotic, drug-like. Mindless
Tv makes for passive human beings--and it's a distraction from homework!

"My two children were allowed to watch only a half an hour of entertainment
Tv per night--and they never had Tv's in their bedrooms.It's a conscious
choice I made as a parent not to tempt them...too seductive..."

Adds Ellerbee: "Tv is seductive and is meant to be. The hard, clear fact is
that when kids are watching Tv, they're not doing anyone else!"

Indeed, according to the National create on Out-of-School Time and the
Office of study schooling buyer Guide, Tv plays a bigger role in
children's lives now than ever before. Kids watch Tv an mean of14 to 22
hours per week, which accounts for at least 25 percent of their free time.

"Dateline Nbc" Anchor Jane Pauley, intensely private, declined an interview
to discuss how she and her husband, cartoonist Garry Trudeau ("Doonesbury")
handle Tv-watching with their three teens, two of whom are fraternal twins.
But in a written response, she agreed that kids need to be good protected
from the onslaught of violence: "I was a visitor at a public elementary school
not long ago, and was invited to peek in on a fourth-grade class on 'current
events.' The assignment had been to watch the news and write about one of
the stories. Two kids picked the fatal charge on a child by a pit bull and the
other wrote about a child who'd hanged herself with a belt! They'd all watched
the worst blood and gore 'News at 11' center in town. The trainer gave no
hint that she was as appalled as I was. My response was to help the school get
subscriptions to "Time for Kids" and "My Weekly Reader." population need to be
better news consumers. And tabloid Tv is very unhealthy for kids."

On this point, Ellerbee facilely agrees:"I indeed do believe the first
amendment Stops at your front door. You are the boss at home and parents
have every right to monitor what their kids watch. What's even good is
watching with them and initiating conversations about what they see.If your
child is watching something terribly violent, sit down and Defuse it. Talking
makes the ghosts run...and kids can break through their scared feelings."

Adds Pauly:

"Kids," she maintains, "know about bad news--they're the ones trying to
spare us the bad news sometimes. But kids should be able to see that their
parents are both human adequate to be deeply affected by a tragedy like
Columbine, but also sturdy adequate to get through it...and on with life. That is
the underpinning of their security."

"I'm no scholar on the nation's children," adds Jennings, " but I'd have to say
no, it wasn't traumatic. Troubling, shocking, even devastating to some,
confusing to others, but traumatizing in that great sense, no.

"Would I justify to my kids that there are young, upset, angry, depressed
kids in the world? Yes. I hear the most horrendous stories about what's going
on in high schools from my kids. And because of the shootings, parents are
now on edge--pressuring educators to 'do something.' They have to be
reminded that the vast majority of all schools in America are overwhelmingly
safe," a fact borne out by The National School protection Center, which reports that
in l998 there were just 25 violent deaths in schools compared to an mean of
50 in the early 90's.

Ellerbee adds that a parent's ability to listen is more important than
lobbying school principals for more metal detectors and armed guards: "If
there was ever a case where grown-ups weren't listening to kids, it was
Littleton. First, don't interrupt your child...let them get the whole understanding out.
Next, if you sit silently for a join of seconds after they're finished, they'll
start talking again, getting to a second level of honesty. Third, try to be honest
with your kid. To very small children, it's permissible to say: 'This is never going to
happen to you...' But you don't say that to a 10-year-old."

Moreover, Ellerbee believes that media literacy begins the day parents stop
pretending that if you ignore Tv, it will go away. "Let your kid know from the
very beginning that he or she is Smarter than Tv: 'I am in operate of this box,
it is not in operate of me. I will use this box as a useful, excellent Tool, but will
not be used by it.' Kids know the difference.

"Watching Tv," Ellerbee maintains, "can makes kids more civilized. I grew
up in the south of Texas in a house of bigoted people. Watching Tv made me
question my own family's beliefs in the natural inferiority of population of color.
For me, Tv was a real window that broadened my world."

Ironically, for Shriver, watching Tv news is incredibly painful when the
broadcast is about you. Being a Kennedy, Shriver has lived a lifetime in the
glare of rumors and
televised venture about her own family. Presenting the news to her children
has therefore included explaining the tragedies and controversies the
Kennedys have endured. She was just eight years old when her uncle, President
John F. Kennedy, was assassinated: "I grew up in a very big shadow...and I
couldn't avoid it," she admits. "It wasn't a choker, but it was a big
responsibility that I don't want my own children to feel." Yet doesn't her 15-
year marriage to megastar Schwarzenegger add yet other layer of public
curiosity close to home? "My kids are not watching Entertainment Tonight--no,
no, never! And I don't bring them to movie openings or Planet Hollywood. I
think it's fine for them to be proud of their father, but not show off about him."

How does she emotionally deal with news when her family's in it? "That's a line
I've been walking since my own childhood, and it's indeed effected the kind
of reporter I've become. It's made me less aggressive. I'm not [in the news
business] to glorify myself at person else's expense, but rather to narrative a
story without destroying person in the process. A producer might say: 'Call
this person who's in a disastrous situation and book them right way.' And I'm
like: 'Ahhhh. I can't even bring myself to do it,' because I've been on the
other side and know the house is in such pain."

A few years ago, of course, the Kennedys experienced profound pain, yet
again, when Shriver's favorite cousin, John F. Kennedy, Jr., was killed in a plane
crash, with his wife, Carolyn, and sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette. A blizzard of
news coverage ensued, unremitting for weeks. "I didn't watch any of it...I was
busy, " Shriver says quietly. "And my children didn't watch any of it either."

Shriver was, however, somewhat prepared to discuss the tragedy with her
children. She is the author of the best-selling "What's Heaven?" [Golden Books],
a book geared for children ages 4-8, which explains death and the loss of a
loved one. "My children knew John well because he spent Christmases with us. I
explained what happened to John as the news unfolded...walked them through
it as best I could. I reminded them that Mommy wrote the book and said:
'We're not going to see John anymore. He has gone to God...to heaven...and we
have to pray for him and for his sister [Caroline] and her children."

Like Shriver, Jennings is personally uncomfortable in the role of covering
private tragedies in a public forum: "In my shop, I'm regarded as one of those
people who drags their feet a lot at the understanding of covering those things," he
explains. "During the O.J. Simpson trial, I decided not to go crazy in our
coverage--and we took quite a smack and dropped from first to second in the
ratings. Tv is a business, so when a real corker of a story like Princess Diana's
death comes along, we cover it. I think we're afraid not to do it. We're guilty of
overkill, and with Diana, we ended up celebrating something that was largely
ephemeral, development Diana more than she was. But audiences leap up!

"I was totally opposed to covering John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s funeral, because I
saw no need to do it. He wasn't a public figure, though others would say I was
wrong. On-air, I said: 'I don't think the young Mr. Kennedy would approve of
all this excess...' But we did three hours on the funeral and it turned out to be
a fantastic long history chapter about American politics and the Kennedy
dynasty's place in our national life.

"Sometimes," Jennings muses, "Tv is like a chapel in which we, as a nation,
can secure to have a public contact of loss.We did it with the
Challenger, more recently with Jfk Jr.'s death and we will do it shortly, I
suspect, though I hope not, with Ronald Reagan. It's not much different than
what population did when they went West in covered wagons in the last century.
When tragedy struck, they gathered the wagons around, lit the fire, and talked
about their losses of the day. And then went on. Television can be very

In closing, Ellerbee contends that you can't blame Tv news producers for
the human appetite for sensational news coverage that often drags on for days
at a time:

"As a reporter," she muses, "I have never been to a war, traffic accident, or
murder site that didn't draw a crowd. There is a minuscule trash in all of us. But the
same population who stop to gawk at a traffic accident, may also climb down a well
to save a child's life, or cry at a sunset, or grin and tap their feet when the
parade goes by.

"We are Not just one thing. Kids can understand these grays...just as
there's more than one retort to a question, there is indeed more than one
part to you!"

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